What is Piezo Method Rhinoplasty?
How Does Piezo Rhinoplasty Work?
We will advise you personally or by telephone in consultation with our partner surgeon.
The treatment takes place after detailed information and discussion examinations by our partner surgeon and specialist in plastic surgery.
You start your life with a new feeling – and we will stay by your side: your well-being is still important to us and you can contact us again at any time.
Benefits of Piezo Rhinoplasty
Minimized Trauma: Since the Piezo tool works only on the bones and avoids harming soft tissues, patients experience less swelling, bruising, and pain compared to traditional rhinoplasty. This is particularly advantageous for those concerned about prolonged recovery times or significant post-operative discomfort.
Higher Precision: The ultrasonic vibrations provide surgeons with enhanced control, allowing for more precise bone cuts and adjustments. This results in finer aesthetic outcomes, especially in cases of complex bone reshaping or revision rhinoplasty.
Faster Recovery: Due to the minimal trauma to surrounding tissues, the recovery process is shorter. Most patients experience less bruising and swelling and can return to their daily routines sooner than with traditional rhinoplasty techniques.
Ideal for Complex Cases: The Piezo method is especially effective for individuals with difficult nasal deformities, such as crooked noses, nasal humps, or cases where significant bone reshaping is required. It is also commonly used in secondary (revision) rhinoplasty, where the delicate structure of the nose has already undergone surgery.
- Individuals with nasal humps, crooked nasal bones, or other structural deformities.
- Patients looking to improve nasal symmetry or reduce the size of their nose.
- Those experiencing breathing difficulties due to structural nasal issues.
- Patients requiring revision rhinoplasty for corrections of previous surgeries.
Complete transfer service
Blood draw and laboratory costs
Personal advice
Control appointments
Medication in the hospital
German and English speaking support
Advice and support before and after the operation
Follow-up by medicalfly
Nosejob Prices
To get information about rhinoplasty surgery prices in Turkey with medicalfly, you can click here, reach our team or fill out the form.
Remember, the prices might vary depending on surgery complexity such as desired shape, the method of surgery, possible cartilage implantation, previous nose jobs etc.
However, medicalfly’s 15 years of experience in health tourism also creates financing opportunities for your plastic surgeries if you are living in Germany or Austria. You can reach our experienced, reliable, transparent partner institutions here. With them you have the chance to pay your nose job surgery in Turkey in instalments.
Vor & Nach der Operation
Vor dem operativen Eingriff geben wir Ihnen in Rücksprache mit unseren Partnerchirurgen, detaillierte Informationen darüber, wie Sie sich am besten auf die Operation vorbereiten.
Es ist wichtig vor der OP die Einnahme von Blutverdünnern einzustellen. Dazu gehören: Vitamin E, Aspirin, Coumadin, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Kräutertee. Medikamente sollten immer nur nach Rücksprache mit Ihrem Arzt, sowie nach Rücksprache mit Ihrem Chirurgen abgesetzt oder auch weiter eingenommen werden. Wir bitten Sie uns in Ihrem ersten Beratungsgespräch über Ihre möglichen Krankheiten, einzunehmende Arzneimittel und Nahrungsergänzungssmittel zu informieren.
Alle metallischen Gegenstände, Schmuck, so wie Ohrringe und künstliche Nägel sollten vor der Operation abgelegt bzw. entfernt werden. Vermeiden Sie das Rauchen vor und nach der Operation, um den Heilungsprozess und die Wundheilung nicht zu verlangsamen. Auch Alkohol ist in dieser Zeit untersagt. Bitte informieren Sie uns auch hier über etwaiges Konsumverhalten. Die Information, ab wann Sie vor der Operation nüchtern sein müssen, erhalten Sie von uns kurz vor Ihrem Eingriff.
Vor Ihrer Nasenkorrektur findet ein Gespräch mit unserem Partnerchirurgen statt, indem Sie Ihre Erwartungen und Wünsche äußern können. Gemeinsam mit dem Chirurgen erstellen Sie eine Simulation Ihrer Wunschnase, die der Chirurg bestmöglich zu realisieren versucht. Ihr Chirurg kann nur Korrekturen an Ihrer Nase vornehmen. Ihre Vorstellungen und Erwartungen müssen daher realistisch und passend zu Ihrer Nase und Ihrem Gesicht sein. Gemeinsam mit dem Chirurgen wird hier kommuniziert welche Veränderungen möglich, passend zum Gesicht und Gegebenheiten sind.
One of the significant advantages of the Piezo method is the reduced recovery time. Patients usually experience less discomfort, swelling, and bruising. The initial recovery phase typically lasts 1-2 weeks, during which time the majority of the swelling subsides. Full recovery, where all residual swelling disappears and final results become visible, may take several months.
During the healing process, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions closely, including keeping the nasal area clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending all follow-up appointments to ensure optimal results.
Why Choose the Piezo Method?
The Piezo method offers numerous advantages over traditional rhinoplasty techniques. Its ability to precisely reshape nasal bones without damaging surrounding tissues makes it a safer, more effective option for both cosmetic and functional nasal surgery. For patients seeking a less invasive approach with faster recovery and more predictable results, Piezo rhinoplasty represents the future of nose reshaping surgery.
By choosing Piezo method rhinoplasty, patients can enjoy improved cosmetic outcomes with fewer side effects and a shorter downtime, making it a highly popular choice for modern rhinoplasty procedures.
With the medicalfly guarantee
You can contact our team anytime or fill in the contact form in order to receive an individual treatmen plan after consulting our partner doctors and detailed information about your desired treatment. With our medicalfly guarantee, we not only advise you before the operation, but also support you in the procedure afterwards for a certain period of time for a unique experience.