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Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)
in Turkey with medicalfly

Eyelid corrections or in another words Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery which is designed to remove the excess skin, fat or muscles from the upper or lower eyelid. Although it is mostly considered as an aesthetic surgery; it also helps the patients who have visual difficulties when the sagging skin closes the eye partially. The removal of this tissue improves the vision.

Blepharoplasty surgery in Turkey is one of the most popular procedures within the plastic & aesthetic surgeries. Many men or women decide to have blepharoplasty easily since the duration of the operation is not very long and the outcomes are beneficial both in aesthetic and functional means.

In patients’ words, blepharoplasty (eyelid corrections) in Turkey also gives the patients a younger, fresher and a “glancing” appearance.


We will advise you personally or by telephone in consultation with our partner surgeon.


The treatment takes place after detailed information and discussion examinations by our partner surgeon and specialist in plastic surgery.


You start your life with a new feeling – and we will stay by your side: your well-being is still important to us and you can contact us again at any time.


While the anatomical structure of the upper and lower eyelids is different, the aim of this procedure is nearly the same for both. The goal is to remove the excess skin or if present fat tissues, while repairing the muscles is also targeted. The fat pads under the eyes or in the lower eyelids are also removed with incisions or laser devices in order to give the patient a younger and fresher appearance. During some procedures, the operation can be combined with eyebrow lifts, face lifting or mini facelifting and fat injections around the eyes.

The operation is mostly performed under general anaesthesia however, in some cases, local anaesthesia can also be used.

For upper eyelids, the surgeon makes the cuts along the fold in the eyelids and the excess skin & fat is removed from this area. The incisions are placed within the crease and will not be visible after the surgery when the tissue is healed.

For the lower lid, the cut is made below the eyelashes in the eye’s natural crease. The excess skin and fat is removed from the area and the incision is closed. 

Who is suitable for blepharoplasty?
  • If you are disturbed with the sagging skin or fat tissue on the upper eyelids
  • If your lower eyelids give you a tired appearance
  • If your sight is blocked by the droopy eyelid 

Complete transfer service


Blood draw and laboratory costs

Personal advice

Control appointments

Medication in the hospital

German and English speaking support

Advice and support before and after the operation

Follow-up by medicalfly

Eyelid Correction Prices

+ Consultations, blood test

+ 1 Night Hospital stay incl. Care

from 1.500 €
Informations about our prices

To get information about blepharoplasty prices in Turkey with medicalfly, you can click here or fill out the form to reach our team.
After the evaluation, additional operations might be recommended to you such as a face lift or eyebrow lift. This combined operations have different prices.
medicalfly’s 15 years of experience in health tourism also creates financing opportunities for you in plastic surgeries if you are living in Germany or Austria. You can reach our experienced, reliable, transparent partner institutions here. Thanks to those, you can have the chance to pay your blepharoplasty surgery in Turkey in instalments. 

Before and after the operation

How Should I Prepare for an Eyelid Correction in Turkey?

Your general health status will be evaluated by medicalfly consultants and the partner doctor. The photographs of your eyes will be asked and forwarded to the partner surgeon so that he can prepare an individual treatment plan for you.

When the operation date is decided, you might be asked to stop some medication if you are using and some other nutritional supplements if they have blood thinning affects.

You will be informed in detail by the medicalfly team about pre-operative fasting depending on the time of your surgery if necessary.

Mostly, no great preparation is needed for the eyelid correction surgeries. 

Recovery Process After the Blepharoplasty in Turkey

The operation takes mostly between 1-2 hours and you might need to get hospitalized after the surgery.

There will be plasters and bandages around the eyes. And regular ice application will be performed in order to prevent bruising and swellings. However, depending on the skin type and characteristics, bruising and swelling might still be encountered for a limited time.

By the end of 2nd week, the bruising and swellings are likely to be decreased. The final part of the healing can take around 3-6 months.

Lifestyle and medical history of the individual impacts the healing & recovery period directly.

Detailed information will be given to you by your performing physician and the medicalfly personnel on site. 


As with every surgery and surgical procedure, blepharoplasty operations also include some risks. First of all, various risks and complications may arise due to local or general anaesthesia during the surgical intervention. Therefore, please inform us about your diseases, allergies and any usage of medication. You may have swellings and bruising in area after the surgery, but these are only temporary and will disappear after a few weeks. The general risks can include infections, bleeding, changes in sensation, eye dryness and difficulties closing the eyes. These risks and others will be explained and discussed prior to the surgery by your surgeon. The surgeon does his best to avoid visible scars in while performing the blepharoplasty. However, despite all precautions, the wound healing process can be challenging, because alcohol consumption and smoking will increase the scar formation. In order to prevent bad healing and scar formation, it is not recommended to smoke or drink alcohol after the surgery. You will get detailed information about the risks of this particular surgery from your doctor before the surgery. 

With the medicalfly guarantee


You can contact our team anytime or fill in the contact form in order to receive an individual treatmen plan after consulting our partner doctors and detailed information about your desired treatment. With our medicalfly guarantee, we not only advise you before the operation, but also support you in the procedure afterwards for a certain period of time for a unique experience.


Phone Call

+49 174 170 21 59


+49 174 170 21 59


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How is the process for a Blepharoplasty in Turkey?

We as medicalfly never leave you alone during the whole process. Your unique experience with us will start by reaching us and having a free consultation about the eye lid correction surgery with our team members. You will receive an individual treatment plan prepared by our partner surgeons and after your surgery appointment date is set, we will handle the whole booking process for you.
On your arrival, our VIP transfer service will pick you up from the airport and bring you to the hospital or the hotel, we organised beforehand. Our English & German speaking team members will meet you and guide you throughout the whole process. After meeting your surgeon, who provides you again with all the necessary information in detail, the surgery will take place.
After the surgery is accomplished and the following check-ups are done and you are ready to leave the hospital, you will be taken back to the hotel by our VIP transfer service.
On the date of your departure, you will be brought to the airport. Back at home, medicalfly team will still provide postoperative care and keep in touch with you. We will always be by your side. 

How is the after-care of the Blepharoplasty and what happens if I have complications back at home?

medicalfly provides you a one year long free follow up service by its team members which includes free phone consultations, satisfaction follow-ups and arranging of consultations of your photos with your surgeon.

medicalfly also has a partner doctor in Berlin/Germany for emergency situations and if necessary, to provide a bridge between the patient and the performing doctor in Turkey.

Another benefit of medicalfly is the follow-up insurance provided without any cost in plastic surgery, hair transplant and eye laser treatments. The follow-up insurance is provided by our partner institution and the patients has the chance to extend their insurance for up to 5 years. You can have detailed information about the follow-up & complication insurance by clicking here. 

How much does a Blepharoplasty cost in Turkey?

Depending on the desired result and possible additional interventions, such as face lift or eyebrow lifts, the price varies. You can click here to learn more about the prices or contact our team for an individual treatment plan.

Will I have a contact person in Turkey for my Blepharoplasty?

medicalfly team members will always be by your side. Our English & German speaking colleagues will handle all the translation and personal assistance services during any of your surgeries in Turkey with medicalfly.

How long does bruising and swelling last after the Blepharoplasty?

The swelling and bruising after the eye lid correction surgery last around 2 weeks. The final shape and healing of the eyelids can last up to 4-6 months.


Will I encounter pain after the Eyelid Correction surgery?

The procedure is not regarded as painful but might create small ache or discomfort. You will be prescribed painkillers and the main is mostly taken under control with those.

How long do I need to take days off from work after my Eye Lid Correction?

Depending on your job, you might need to take around 6-7 days off from work. You can go back to your daily life within 2-3 days but any activity that might lead to high blood pressure should be avoided around 1-2 weeks


Do I have visible scars after the Blepharoplasty?

During the upper eyelid correction, the incisions are hidden in the crease of the eyelid. It is very difficult to be seen from the outside. By the lower eyelid correction, the incision is hidden in the conjunctiva or the incision is made just below the eyelashes. In both cases, it is nearly invisible from the outside.

Is It possible to close the eyes after the Eyelid Correction?

It is common that the eyes don’t close completely after the blepharoplasty due to swelling in the eyelids. Around 4-6 weeks, the eyes might still be slightly open and complete blinking might not be observed. Meanwhile, tear lubricants or artificial tears might be recommended by the surgeon.

Mostly around 7-8 weeks, the eyelids will turn normal and will be able to perform their full motions. 

Can I watch TV or look at my smart phone after the Blepharoplasty?

The eyes will grow tired easily during the recovery period. You might feel uncomfortable while watching TV or looking at bright screens like your smart phone. The vision might also be blurry and eyes can tear up easily after the procedure. For your comfort, it might be better to avoid bright screens for a while.