There are some things to be careful about before hair transplant.
Ten days before hair transplant you should stop taking blood-thinning medication or other medication and multivitamins that you take regularly. You can continue to take beta blockers or antidepressants. Furthermore, it is of great importance not to smoke and to stop consumption of alcohol during this period, and also not to shave or cut your hair before the intervention.
Before hair transplant, consumption of coffee and tea should be stopped, as they increase blood flow. Make sure that you get enough sleep and a good breakfast before the intervention.
Please come to the hair transplant without makeup.
Finally, on the day of the intervention and until one week after hair transplant, you should mind to wear tops which can be opened and closed in the front of the upper body, for example, shirts, blouses or cardigans with zipper.
Approximately after three weeks hair shedding can be expected. However, in the following three months fortified hair growth starts. The whole growth process requires about six months.
It is definitely recommended not to smoke and not to consume alcohol for two weeks. Patients must avoid the sauna for one months and the solarium for three months.
Do not have sexual intercourse for 10 days and avoid situations that could make you sweat a lot. Moderate/gentle physical exercise (sports) can be done after two weeks, strenuous physical exercises (sports) only after one month. For two weeks any intake of regularly used medicines must be stopped (suspended).
To wash your hair put the water pressure on gentle and use tepid water only. Do not wear any tight bonnets, hats or caps and protect your head from strikes, blows and scratches.