A face lift is simply a procedure to create a younger and fresher look in the face by removing the sagging skin and tightening it. The procedure also helps smoothing the skin folds on several areas on the face. Due to natural aging, skin loses its elasticity and become saggy. This is mostly observed on the cheeks, jawline and down to the neck. Also from the same reason, the wrinkles on the face and around the eyes increase and become more noticeable. With the face-lift operations, a flap of skin in both sides of the face is pulled to the back and the excess skin is removed. By doing that, the patient gets rid of the sagging sking and wrinkles which leads to a youthful appearance.
Face Lifting
in Turkey with medicalfly
There are many reasons why people decide to have a face lift surgery in Turkey, which is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries nowadays. Apart from medicalfly’s strong partners and 15 years of experience in health tourism, women may choose to have face lift surgery with us for the following reasons;
- Sagging skin on the cheeks and jawline
- Increase of wrinkles around the eyes and other areas of the face
- Deep skin folds from the nose to the corners of the mouth
- Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck area (when the procedure is combined with a neck lift operation)
- In cases where Botox or Fillers are not helping
We will advise you personally or by telephone in consultation with our partner surgeon.
The treatment takes place after detailed information and discussion examinations by our partner surgeon and specialist in plastic surgery.
You start your life with a new feeling – and we will stay by your side: your well-being is still important to us and you can contact us again at any time.
First of all, the operation is performed under the general anaesthesia and requires hospitalization. The incisions for the face lift are mostly placed in front of the ear and the back of the ear. Therefore, the scars after the healing will not be visible and noticeable.
By reaching the SMAS label with those incisions, the sagging is corrected according the needs of the patient. If needed, the excess skin is removed and the skin is carried to its new position and sewn tightly. If necessary, the neck is also intervened and the sagging skin on the neck is also corrected. After that, the excess skin is removed and the skin is fixated to its new position.
Each patient is prepared an individual treatment plan for a face lift procedure depending on the damage on the skin, amount of the excess sagging skin, sun damages or loss of collagens due to aging. This means that each patient needs a different approach.
- If your life standards are affected negatively by your weight.
- If other illnesses occur due to high weight
- If your weight has a bad influence on your phycology
- If you weren’t able to achieve your goals with traditional methods such as dieting and exercising
- If your BMI(body mass index) is over a certain limit
- If you’re ready make permanent changes in your life and gain your health back
You can contact medicalfly and our partner doctors and receive an individual treatment plan to find out, depending on your body mass index, which comorbidities you suffer from and whether you are suitable for the operation.
The Stapler
The most important instrument in laparoscopic gastric surgery is the stapler, which is used as a suturing device to separate the stomach. In addition to the tightness of the stiches at the staple line, bleeding is the most common complication in bariatric surgery. Our partner surgeon uses the stapler only once per patient to minimize this risk
The Suture Enhancer
Our partner surgeon is on the use of the suture enhancement. This consist of a biological material and serve as an additional layer of tissue to ensure that the brackets are better anchored, thereby reducing postoperative complications. There is 100% consensus between specialists in the bariatric field about that by using the suture enhancer there is a significantly minimized risk of bleeding.
Complete transfer service
Blood draw and laboratory costs
Personal advice
Control appointments
Medication in the hospital
German and English speaking support
Advice and support before and after the operation
Follow-up by medicalfly
Face Lift Prices
+ Bandages
+ 2-3 Night Stay in Hospital incl. Care
To get information about face lifting surgery prices in Turkey with medicalfly, you can click here, or fill out the form here so that our team can contact you. Depending on the other surgeries that might be added to the facelift such as blepharoplasty, neck lift, fat injections, the price varies.
However, medicalfly’s 15 years of experience in health tourism also creates financing opportunities for you in plastic surgeries if you are living in Germany or Austria. You can reach our experienced, reliable, transparent partner institutions here. Thanks to those, you can have the chance to pay your face lift surgery in instalments in Turkey.
Before and after the operation
A while before the surgery, you may need to stop certain medications and nutritional supplements (such as herbal teas, blood thinners). The medicalfly team will provide you with detailed information on this matter. Therefore, please inform us all about your prescription drugs so we can give you all the necessary information. In addition, before the operation, there should be no metal objects in your body, jewellery such as piercings, earrings, necklaces should be removed. Your artificial nails should also be removed before face lift surgery.
How is the Recovery Process After the Face Lift Surgery?
Minimum of one night hospitalization is required after the surgery for comfort and health reasons. Since the intervened area is a sensitive and vast area, painkillers are applied via IV. The drains are removed mostly the next day and the patient is discharged. 5-7 days of relaxation and rest is recommended.It is normal to have swellings and bruises after the operations. The final results can be observed in around 3 months.
Patient is hospitalized after the face lift and there will be bandages around the face. The healing and recovery process differs from patient to patient also depending on the scope of the face lift that is performed and the performed procedures during the face lift. One of the main goals of the aesthetic procedures are to leave minimally visible scars after the operation. The surgeon performs the incisions mostly in front of the ears and behind the ears and sometimes in the hairline. Therefore, they are barely visible from the outside when the complete healing is achieved.
Depending on your job, you can go back to your work in 7 to 15 days. There will be some restrictions with the exercises and activities which leads to high blood pressure. Since smoking and alcohol consumption affects the oxygen level of the blood, the healing is also directly related to those. For a fast, comfortable and healthy healing, it is not recommended to smoke or drink alcohol after the surgery for a while.
Other instructions for the post-operative period will be given to you by your performing surgeon after your face-lift in Turkey.
The results of the face lift can be considered as “very long lasting”. So, it is easy to say that the results last always. It should be however considered that the you will not always look the same as you did right after the healing is completed. That is due to ongoing aging process of the humans. Your face will look younger than you would if never had the face lift surgery.
A healthy lifestyle, sufficient hydration, healthy diet, use of moisturizing cremes and sunscreen helps the results last longer. What to expect from a face lift surgery will be explained to you in details by the performing surgeon.
As with every surgery and surgical procedure, face lift operations also involve some risks. First of all, various risks and complications may arise due to general anaesthesia, during the surgical intervention. There may be swelling, thickness and bruising in the area after the surgery, but these are definitely temporary and will disappear after a few days. Bleeding and infection from the operation in the region are very rare complications. You can get detailed information about these risks from your doctor before the surgery.
With the medicalfly guarantee
You can contact our team anytime or fill in the contact form in order to receive an individual treatmen plan after consulting our partner doctors and detailed information about your desired treatment. With our medicalfly guarantee, we not only advise you before the operation, but also support you in the procedure afterwards for a certain period of time for a unique experience.
Contact Us
We as medicalfly never leave you alone during the whole process. Your unique experience will start by reaching us and having a free consultation about the face lift surgery in Turkey with our team. You will receive an individual treatment plan prepared by our partner surgeons and after your appointment date is fixed, we will handle all the booking process for you. On your arrival, our VIP transfer service will pick you up from the airport and bring you to your hotel or to the hospital. Our German / English speaking team members will meet you and guide you throughout the process. After meeting your surgeon and having detailed information, the surgery will take place. After you are discharged, you will be taken to your hotel by our VIP transfer service. On the date of your departure, you will be brought to the airport and medicalfly team will still keep in touch with you after your operation. We will always be by your side.
medicalfly provides you a one year long free follow up service by its team members which includes free phone consultations, satisfaction follow-ups and arranging of consultations of your photos with your surgeon.
Another benefit of medicalfly is the follow-up insurance provided without any cost in plastic surgery, hair transplant and eye laser treatments. The follow-up insurance is provided by our partner institution and the patients has the chance to extend their insurance for up to 5 years. You can have detailed information about the follow-up & complication insurance by clicking here.
medicalfly team members will always be by your side. Our German and English-speaking colleagues will handle all the translation and personal assistance services during your face lift surgery in Turkey with medicalfly.
It is a surgical procedure that is performed only with small incisions in front of the ear with a small tightening to the skin. The aim of the mini face lift is to reduce the duration of the operation and provide a faster healing process with a smaller operation. This is mostly recommended for those who don’t have much sagging skin below the face, near to the neck area.
No surgical procedure can stop aging. The face lift surgery gives the patients a younger look but there might be small sagging observed as long as the natural aging process goes on.
It is a face-lift that corrects the sagging areas on the face with endoscopic (closed) method. The procedure starts with a small incision on the hairline and the whole forehead & the face is carried upwards. It is possible to perform the endoscopic face lift without the incisions in front and at the back of the ear.
General anaesthesia is used for the face lift surgeries in Turkey and the procedure might take 3 to 5 hours.
Patients might experience discomfort and ache especially around the incisions or taut areas. However, this sourness and discomfort are easily taken under control with painkillers.