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Transit Bipartition
in Turkey with medicalfly

Transit Bipartition is one of the bariatric surgery methods that helps you get rid of the excess weight that threatens your health. This method is mainly used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. There are many reasons for a patient to get this surgery done, besides medicalfly’s strong partners and 15 years of experience in the field, one might choose to have a Transit Bipartition surgery in Turkey for the following reasons;

  • If you have a health condition that prevents you from losing weight
  • If you have a problem with food digestion
  • if you have type 2 diabetes 


We will advise you personally or by telephone in consultation with our partner surgeon.


The treatment takes place after detailed information and discussion examinations by our partner surgeon and specialist in plastic surgery.


You start your life with a new feeling – and we will stay by your side: your well-being is still important to us and you can contact us again at any time.


Depending on your health conditions, BMI, blood tests and side diseases, it will be decided together with the doctor which bariatric surgery method is most suitable for the patient.

The Transit Bipartition surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. Just like the Transit Bipartition surgery it is performed in two stages. In the first stage, small incisions are made on the abdominal area and these incisions are used to reach the stomach and the intestines. The surgery is a laparoscopic surgery that means that the stomach and the organs are not exposed. Depending on the patients’ condition, the doctor may decide to turn to a traditional open surgery. The top part of the stomach is cut and the rest is stitched back with the help of the stapler device.

On the next stage, the part of the small intestine is connected directly to the stomach with two openings. With these new routes, while part of the consumed food goes straight to then of the small intestine from the stomach the other part starts at the middle of the digestive system. Also, some food passes the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine and go to the middle part of the small intestine.

The surgery generally takes 1-2 hours. After the surgery it is important to follow the diet that’s provided by the dietitian and the nutritionist. Starting with a liquid diet, the nutrition will turn to normal phase by phase. The nutritionist will give the necessary information detailed about the phases and diet programs. 

Who May Think to Have a Transit Bipartition Surgery in Turkey?

You typically qualify for bariatric surgery if you have a BMI of 35 or greater, with specific significant health problems like Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure. In addition, if you think you have the following symptoms, you can consult medicalfly or our partner surgeons;

  • if you are having weight problems that are affecting your life standards
  • If you have side diseases due to your excess weight
  • If your health conditions are causing psychologic problems
  • If your metabolism isn’t working as is should and you’re not able to digest your food in the right manner 

Complete transfer service


Blood draw and laboratory costs

Personal advice

Control appointments

Medication in the hospital

German and English speaking support

Advice and support before and after the operation

Follow-up by medicalfly

Transit Bipartition Prices

+ Complete diagnostics – internal, cardiological and obesity diagnostics
+ 3-4 Night Stay in Hospital incl. Care
+ Protein – Shakes
from 6.750 €
Informations about our prices

To get information on Transit Bipartition surgery prices in Turkey with medicalfly you can click here, contact our team, or fill out a form so our team can contact you.

Depending on your health, BMI and some other conditions our partner doctors will recommend a method of surgery such as Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass or Transit Bipartition and the prices may differ with each method.

However, medicalfly’s 15 years of experience in health tourism also creates financing opportunities for your bariatric surgeries if you are living in Germany or Austria. You can reach our experienced, reliable, transparent partner institutions here. With them you have the chance to pay your Transit Bipartition operation in Turkey in instalments. 

Before and after the operation
How to Prepare for Transit Bipartition in Turkey With medicalfly?

Prior to the surgery, depending on the BMI, it is sometimes recommended to start a light diet on a certain date. But the patients should definitely start a light diet couple of days prior to the surgery and completely stop eating and drinking the night before the surgery. Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided 2 weeks prior to the surgery. During the surgery there should be no metal objects on your body meaning that all the jewellery should be removed. Artificial nails should also be removed.

You can get detailed information from medicalfly and our partner doctors about the drugs you regularly use. Bringing comfortable clothes to your trip to Turkey can help you during the hospital and the hotel stay while you are resting. Personal care items should also not be forgotten. 

After the Transit Bipartition surgery

All over the procedure and the post operative phases are very similar

  • After the surgery the healing begins immediately. In this phase, you will begin your liquid diet following the instruction from the surgeons and nurses. A while after you come to your room, you will be helped to take a walk.
  • The walks are important so you can get rid of the anaesthesia affect and also to get rid of the gas and gas pain.
  • You will carry on with the diet that has been explained. The phases are liquid, puree, light solid and solid nutrition. It will be explained in detail by the nutritionist.
  • You may need to take iron, calcium, B12 vitamin supplements.
  • You will need to make permanent life changes that will be explained by the nutritionist.
  • Daily walks, drinking lots of water and staying away from carbs will be the most important changes after the surgery.

Besides these the rules you have to follow will be explained to you in detail by the medicalfly team and the doctors, and your questions will be answered in the best way.

Will I Have Visible Scars after the Transit Bipartition surgery in Turkey?

The surgery is performed laparoscopically, which means it’s a closed surgery. With this method there are no big incisions made so it doesn’t bother the patients aesthetically. Generally, 4-5 small incisions are made to reach the stomach. The stitches are done with absorbable sutures so these little marks nearly disappear in the healing process. 


As every surgery and surgical procedure, Transit Bipartition operations also involve some risks. First of all, various risks and complications may arise due to general anaesthesia, as narcosis is applied during the surgical intervention. Aside from anaesthesia, the general risks are bleeding, infection, blood clots, leakage. To prevent the leakage special techniques and equipment’s are used by the performing surgeon. Long term side effects and possible risks will be explained by your surgeon in details. Some disadvantages are having to use multivitamins and mineral supplements for life. Other side effects might be gallbladder stone risks, feeling of nausea when eating carbs or large portions of foods, throwing-up, diarrhea, sweating, tiredness and fatigue. 

With the medicalfly guarantee


You can contact our team anytime or fill in the contact form in order to receive an individual treatmen plan after consulting our partner doctors and detailed information about your desired treatment. With our medicalfly guarantee, we not only advise you before the operation, but also support you in the procedure afterwards for a certain period of time for a unique experience.


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+49 174 170 21 59


+49 174 170 21 59


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How is the Process for a Transit Bipartition in Turkey?

medicalfly is with your through all the steps. Your unique experience will begin when you contact the medicalfly team for a free consultancy on the Transit Bipartition operation. You will receive a treatment plan prepared for you by our partner doctors and when your dates are set, we will make all the reservations for you. When you arrive our VIP transfer service will pick you up from the airport to drop you off to the hospital or the hotel. Our English/German speaking colleagues will meet you and be with you through all steps. After getting detailed information from your surgeon the operation will begin. When discharged from the hospital, our VIP transfer service will again pick you up and take you to your hotel. On the departure day you will be driven to the airport and the medicalfly team will continue to be in contact with you. After you return to your country, medicalfly’s partner doctor located in Germany will carry on with the follow-ups and you can contact him at any time.

How Much Does a Transit Bipartition Operation Cost in Turkey?

Depending on your health status, BMI, and other side diseases, our partner surgeon will decide on the surgery method with you. For more information on the prices you can click here or you can contact our team to get a personal treatment plan.

Is It Possible to Pay the Transit Bipartition Surgery in Turkey in Instalments?

medicalfly’s 15 years of experience in health tourism also creates financing opportunities for you in plastic surgeries if you are living in Germany or Austria. You can reach our experienced, reliable, transparent partner institutions here. Thanks to those, you can have the chance to pay your Transit Bipartition surgery in instalments in Turkey.


Will I have a Contact Person in Turkey for my Transit Bipartition Surgery?

medicalfly team will always be with you. Our English and German speaking colleagues will assist you with all the process during your trip.

How is the Follow Up After the Transit Bipartition Surgery in Turkey?

medicalfly, while thinking and designing every moment for you during your treatment process, will not leave you alone in your country either. Our partner doctor in Germany contacts the patients in living in Germany and introduce himself. In emergencies or if you have any questions, you can contact our partner doctor in Berlin.

Also, after the operation the medicafly team and our nutritionist will stay in contact by phone or video chats for up to two years. Our team will be reminding you of the blood test that you have to get regularly done and sharing them with your surgeons. 

Will I Have Much Pain After Transit Bipartition?

The pain that your experience after the surgery be mostly gas pain. After the surgery taking short walks at the given times will help release the gas and reduce the pain. The given painkillers will control the pain.

How Long After the Transit Bipartition Surgery Can I Go Back to My Normal Life?

After the surgery you will stay in the hospital for 3 nights. The gas pain will fade towards your discharge and you’ll be able to return to your normal life. As long as you keep following your diet program you will not have any problems. During the first month you should not lift mor than 5 kg.


How Much Weight Can I Lose After the Transit Bipartition Surgery in Turkey?

Though it differs from patient to patient the amount of weight loss likely depends on the height, weight, metabolism, commitment to the diet, exercise and body mass index. When you reach your ideal weight, the body will automatically stop losing weight.

How Long Do I Have to Stay in Turkey for the Transit Bipartition Surgery?

For this surgery you will need 1 night before the operation and 3-4 nights after. After being discharged 3-4 more days should be enough. Around total of 7-8 days should be enough to get the examinations done, talk with your surgeon, get the surgery and enjoy the city.Will I Gain Weight After the Transit Bipartition Surgery?


Will I Gain Weight After the Transit Bipartition Surgery?

Though there is a risk of gaining weight after the operation, it is very low. It is very important that you follow the diet and adopt the life style changes in this period. You should follow the main courses and snack on your diet list and other instructions from the dietitian and the surgeon. The weight gain seen in the late periods of the process is mainly caused by high calorie snacks and cheats.